4 tips for improved MENTAL CLARITY and FOCUS | Ditch the brain fog!

It can’t rain all the time.

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Ever feel like you can't focus or that your thoughts are dipped in mud? In this video, I share 4 tips/habits to help you improve your mental clarity and focus so you can get rid of the brain fog and get more accomplished.

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Relevant Links/Stuff Mentioned in this Video:

🧠 ► Headspace - https://www.headspace.com/

⛅ ► Calm - https://www.calm.com/

📚 ► The best version of Meditations by Marcus Aurelius that I've encountered so far - https://geni.us/meditations_new

📝 ► The Pocket-Sized Notebooks I use - https://fieldnotesbrand.com/

Dan Fox

Lover of coffee and systems, short-form video creator, photographer, writer, facilitator, rider of motorcycles, and all-around adventurer. Based out of Seattle.


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